Smart Phone one of the wonders of mordern science..Like Computers Smart phone help us greatly in our daily life.Though Smart Phones we can connect the whole world.
Only a few years ago we had difficulty to connect our near and dear ones.That was very costly too.Smart Phones are very handy and we can use them communication with people at a very low cost.
Smart phones have different functions such as making calls,listening to music,taking photographs,storing information,Use internet, phones like a mini poket computer.Smart Phones is very very important part of every man's daily life.Even it can be used for distance larning..
Side effect-
Besides of these advantages,the smart phone has still some drawbacks in disguise.Though the price of it is decreasing, per minute bill is not decreasing in proportion to that.
Nowadays, terrorists are useing it to spread out terrorism all around the world.Scientists have recently discovered that mobile phone can cause cancer to the users.
Again useing smart phone is harmful to children and pregnant woman.But in spite of having all these disadvantages, finally it can be mentioned here that the necessary of a smart phone in exchanging messages cannot be denied in the true sense in pur practical life.
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